CLIMAAX joined the European Civil Protection Forum

Daniel Sempere-Torres represented CLIMAAX at the European Civil Protection Forum in Brussels. The co-coordinator of the project sheded light on the importance of aligning disaster risk reduction with climate change risk assessment and adaptation.

CLIMAAX joined the European Civil Protection Forum

Daniel Sempere-Torres represented CLIMAAX at the European Civil Protection Forum in Brussels. The co-coordinator of the project sheded light on the importance of aligning disaster risk reduction with climate change risk assessment and adaptation.

CLIMAAX came to the 8th edition of the European Civil Protection Forum in Brussels, Belgium, on 5 June, represented by professor Daniel Sempere-Torres. The director of Center of Applied Research in Hydrometeorology (CRAHI) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and co-coordinator of CLIMAAX, gave one of the opening presentations for the participatory workshop entitled “Reducing risks together: bringing disaster resilience and climate adaptation strategies” organised in partnership with MYRIAD-EU project.

A 6-minute presentation on the CLIMAAX project highlighting the interest for civil protection authorities, contributing to trigger discussions on how to align strategies for disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation in different contexts in the EU, and fostering the exchange of ideas among the more than 100 attendees, including policymakers, scientists, and professionals. The workshop was also an opportunity to announce the second CLIMAAX Open Call to help regions make a climate risk assessment, to be launched on 1st July 2024 (by Sonsoles Miguel Queralt, CRAHI).